Designer Chats
Weekly chats about all things design with a fun attention grabbing design system
With a flourishing design community, Jamie Wheeler of Jelly Creative Co decided to start virtual chats with fellow designers on Instagram’s Live function. It grew to a weekly schedule and needed a design system that could adapt and change for each week’s guest, catch users attention so they tune in, be consistent enough to be memorable, and all while keeping the beautifully quirky essence of the Jelly brand. And now is available as a podcast!
This work was done for Jelly Creative Co.
Design Skills:
Branding, Digital Media Design, Social Media Marketing, Typography, Layout Design, Motion Graphics
Monthly Schedule for Upcoming Chats
Instagram Post and Story formats for each guest
Updated Designs for Previous Chats (2021)
Redesigned 2020 Chats with altered style
12 Animated gifs